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Daicel Group Human Rights Policy


At the Daicel Group, we recognize that, in order to progress and grow in tandem with society, it is imperative that we respect the human rights of anyone and everyone involved in or connected to us through our business activities. To fulfill this responsibility, the Daicel Group hereby establishes the Daicel Group Human Rights Policy (“the Policy”).


Basic Position
We, the Daicel Group, are strong believers that “People are the foundation for our success.” The Daicel Group Conduct Policy and each Group company’s Code of Conduct declare our determination to comply with all laws and regulations; act with high ethical standards and sound judgment; respect the diversity, personality and individuality of every member connected to the Daicel Group and contribute to realizing a healthy and sound society that is free from discrimination and harassment.

Moreover, as a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, we fully support international standards for human rights. We acknowledge the standards listed in the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and both International Covenants), the core conventions set forth by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in their Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Accordingly, we promise to continue and promote efforts to respect and address the human rights in line with the above standards.


Scope of Application
The Policy applies to all executives and employees of the Daicel Group. The Daicel Group will also encourage its business partners and suppliers to support the Policy, and in concert with them, will promote activities to fulfill its responsibilities relating to human rights.



Human Rights Due Diligence
The Daicel Group will establish a system of human rights due diligence which will be continuously implemented. Human rights due diligence is a series of processes that includes identifying any adverse human rights impact connected to the Daicel Group and preventing or mitigating potential risks to human rights.



Correction and Remedy
When the Daicel Group identifies that it has caused or contributed to an adverse impact on human rights contrary to the Policy, it will promptly take corrective and remedial actions through appropriate procedures.



Education and Training
The Daicel Group will provide appropriate education and training to ensure that the Policy is integrated into all business activities and that human rights due diligence is effectively implemented.



Applicable Laws and Regulations
The Daicel Group will observe laws and regulations of countries and regions where it conducts business. However, if a conflict occurs between internationally recognized standards of human rights and the standards stipulated by laws and regulations of an individual country or region, the Daicel Group will pursue a direction that respects international principles of human rights.



Dialogue and Consultation
In implementing the Policy, the Daicel Group will seek expert advice on human rights both from within the company and external independent experts, and engage in dialogue and consultation with our Group stakeholders.

Information Disclosure


The Daicel Group will publicly disclose the progress and results of its human rights activities based on the Policy.