Christmas competition RECOVER THE DECORATION
As part of the 3Rs - REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE initiative, a Christmas competition entitled RECOVER THE DECORATION was organised at the DSSE plant. The willing employees could make their own Christmas ornaments using recyclable waste. The competition was aimed at showing and raising awareness that items that are potentially treated as unnecessary waste can be used in a creative and imaginative way. An additional advantage was to broaden the knowledge of possibilities to reduce waste production in everyday life, to shape appropriate pro-ecological behaviour and to promote spending free time with family members while making decorations together.
The employees of the DSSE plant in Żarów were very willing to take part in the competition. We were very pleasantly surprised by the positive reception and great interest. We received as many as 23 contest works. Competition was very big and choosing the winners was very difficult. From among all the participants, 5 people received the main prize in the form of vouchers to Decathlon, each of 150 PLN. The remaining participants received sweet consolation prizes.
On behalf of the SE Department - the organiser of the competition, we would like to thank all the participants for their great interest and professional approach to the competition. We hope that next year we will be able to organise the Christmas competition again and put the received works up for auction. All the proceeds will then be donated to the annual NOBLE BOX.