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Daicel at Juwenalia 2023 - a successful collaboration between Business and Education!

Daicel and Wroclaw University of Technology have been cooperating for many years in scope of the "Business for Education" program, i.e. support for student education through the organization of Kaizen workshops, study visits, student internships.  

This time we decided to become a partner of the 2023 Students' Juwenalia, which was attended by about 20,000 students. Student Juwenalia is a special moment, full of energy, joy and unforgettable experiences, so it was the perfect opportunity to combine these positive emotions with our passion for automotive and, in particular, for caring about safety on the road. We believe that students have great potential and creativity that can contribute to the development of the automotive industry. Therefore we organized a competition for them with the main prize of a car, called “Red Arrow”, which has served us for several years, and will make it easier for the Winner to commute, but will also remind them of our company's mission "We save lives." The competition for the best promotional slogan of Daicel was announced on the day of the first day of the Juwenalia. Students had the opportunity to introduce their creativity and ability to condense the values and mission of our company into a single sentence. As many as 221 entries were received. The slogans were very creative, but one stood out for its accuracy and originality.

The winner of the competition was Piotr Dalecki, a first-year student at the Wroclaw University of Technology.

His slogan is "Daicel - the invisible hero of every journey". The phrase reflects the meaning of our product well, because although our products - airbag inflators - are not visible to the user of the car, they are an extremely important element of the car to protect traffic participants during accidents . The winning slogan is memorable and effectively demonstrates the message and mission of our company!

The award was ceremoniously presented to Piotr Dalecki during the ceremony summarizing the Juwenalia, which took place on June 30. The Hyundai car called "Red Arrow", which previously served Daicel engineers, has now become the property of the future engineer, symbolizing the successful cooperation between Daicel and Wroclaw University of Technology.

We would like to thank all Daicel employees who were involved in the competition, especially the production team for their help in organizing the Daicel logo on the car, which additionally strengthened the promotion of our company, and the accounting team for their support in formalities. We would also like to thank the Wrocław University of Technology for inviting us to be a part of Juwenalia 2023!


We invite you to read the report from Juwenalia 2023 on the website of the Wrocław University of Technology: